Baseball / Softball 2024


Monday, April 15th

Monday, April 22nd



Monday, April 8th

Monday, April 29th

All meetings will take place in the Feller Club Room of Carver-Hawkeye Arena and will start at 6:45, with the exception of 4/8, starting at 6pm due to the NCAA Men's Basketball championship game that night

Past Meetings

This schedule is for reference only! Official records are now maintained on

Baseball/Softball Season Level BB/SB
BB Ref      
SB Ref Scrimmage  
School H H/V Before this season Varsity  
Today through a week: 7/26 - 8/2 This season on Non-Varsity Baseball
*Pick a date m/d/yyyy Click here to select from a calendar All on record Postseason Softball
All wo/cncl w/cncl All Both
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ICAOA official records run from 2004-2012. BB/SB seasons run from 1/1 to 12/31.
Records are displayed 25 at a time by default. Javascript and cookies must be enabled.